Once you reach an age where you can no longer reverse the numbers to make yourself feel better….43 is 34…52 is 25, see what I mean? You tend to remember several people in your life who started a sentence with: “What I’ve learned is…”
And now – it appears it’s my turn.
What I’ve learned is, you have to stay focused!
You have to stay committed.
You have to give “IT” all of your energy.
Whatever “IT” is.
IT — could be your job
IT – could be your relationship
But as soon as you have to split your thought process or actions on either of the above, it becomes a recipe for disaster or at the very least a recipe for failure.
I’ve sat in my chair as founder and owner of Idea Factor Inc. quickly approaching the three decade mark. The first seven to ten years were a daily struggle to grow, maintain or simply learn.
Around year 12 or so, there were a number of occasions where other companies either expressed an interest in Idea Factor or offered me opportunities to augment my income by including their products or services.
What I learned through those offers was that in each instance where I lost my focus — I in turn, lost business.
An example?
We met with a Promotional Goods company that thought their line of Logoed goods was a natural fit for our client base. Think — pens with a logo on them or a hat, mug, etc.
Although — we see our companies totally differently, I made the decision to give it a try.
What happened was — by reaching out to our client base with a commodity, we tarnished our perception as a strategic lead generation and customer service provider.
It weakened our position in the marketplace.
We looked like the jack of all trades and the master of none.
Even though we are Masters!
That same mistake was made in a variety of ways — at least three times before we had our AHA moment and realized that the only way to win at any game is to stay focused and have a true understanding of our goals.
Today — our hope is that our mission of creating a fantastic workplace where people say: “THIS IS THE BEST JOB I EVER HAD!”
My goal in writing this – is to help you to realize that if you want to be really good. I mean stellar good — at anything, all you need is FOCUS.
Sometimes alliances work really well — you just need to make sure that they are a true part of your goals in order to make the correct decision.
Good luck!
Idea Factor provides a full suite of marketing services including B2B lead generation (gathering qualified sales leads), surveys, data mapping, event tele-boosting, trade show follow up, in-bound and out-bound omnichannel contact center services, data cleansing, list cleaning, customer retention and loyalty programs.
Our commitment to excellence in customer service has awarded us repeat business for more than 25 years, from both our global and community clients. To find out more go to http://www.idea-factor.com or look at our Services here.
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