Well — we are unbelievably at month 6 of our IF Chicks Shoe Awards.
For those of you who didn’t read the original Blog post — once a month we are awarding a new pair of shoes to the employee who best embodies our vision and mission.
“To deliver an unparalleled Customer Service EXPERIENCE every time — bar none!”
Once a month we gather informally here at our office to thank a member of our Team for their display of ‘excellence’.
Then they take their cash award and a week later — come and show us all their new shoes.
It’s been fun, exciting and rewarding for all of us.
If you have people who work for you in a demanding job like ours — it’s really important to let them know that their efforts are appreciated.
There are so many posts about treating staff well — & if you think about it — it really is just common sense isn’t it?
After all — if they don’t perform their tasks — no matter what they are — we can’t perform ours.
Circle of life? I think so! It just happens to be at the office.
So — to all of you IF Chick Award winners thus far –– THANK YOU!
Idea Factor provides a full suite of marketing services including B2B lead generation (gathering qualified sales leads), surveys, data mapping, event tele-boosting, trade show follow up, in-bound and out-bound omnichannel contact center services, data cleansing, list cleaning, customer retention and loyalty programs.
Our commitment to excellence in customer service has awarded us repeat business for more than 25 years, from both our global and community clients. To find out more go to http://www.idea-factor.com or look at our Services here.
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