CORPORATE CULTURE – Why FUN is so important, especially during a pandemic
Prior to the pandemic, we encouraged a culture and atmosphere of camaraderie & fun throughout the company. During these times, when the stress and fear for small businesses and workers are greater than ever. Social distancing measures and rules are in place and the instinct and indirect result might be to socially as well as physically distance yourself from your colleagues.
Our advice?
Do the opposite.
Managers need to have compassion and empathy for their employees. Don’t cut back on the office lunches, the team building exercises, sharing stories about your two-legged or four-legged children, in-office karaoke or other connectivity and morale boosting exercises that HAVE IMPACT.
These are the support mechanisms that lay the foundation for a strong sense of trust, caring and support that will keep everyone motivated. It also helps ensure that they everyone continues to be engaged and to provide excellent customer service to your clients in even the most challenging times.
This can still be accomplished when working remotely. Managers can maintain connectivity through Microsoft Teams. A few ideas we have used are to have cupcakes delivered to our staff, drop off flowers for those that are celebrating birthdays or work anniversaries, send pics or short videos of our pets, share our COVID hairdos and/or beards, (with a promise to hit the delete button after viewing!)
Making it part of your process to add a proactive activity promotes kinship amongst your employees and lets them know that they are not only valued as employees, but as human beings.
Please share your thoughts and/or methods of keeping your employees supported and motivated… always looking for new ideas!
Idea Factor provides a full suite of marketing services including B2B lead generation (gathering qualified sales leads), surveys, data mapping, event tele-boosting, trade show follow up, in-bound and out-bound omni-channel call center services, data cleansing, list cleaning, customer retention and loyalty programs.
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