Charity may begin at home…. but should extend to the workplace. Here’s why….
We instinctively teach charity to children as they grow. This helps them acquire a sense of empathy for the less fortunate, and it hopefully becomes a lifetime habit. We help them develop an understanding that what they have and might take for granted, is not readily available for everyone. My children had a hard time grasping the fact that a home, food and clothing are things that millions of people, including children, even in a first world country, go without. As a parent, that was my lesson to teach….
We shoulder the same responsibility as employers/managers and advocates of a corporate culture that encourages partnerships with organizations in the community that assist those in need. This practice improves employee engagement and gives them a sense of well-being and purpose that improves their mental health and self-worth.
There are numerous ways in which you can help, and with many companies seeing record losses, money is not the only option available to incorporate this practice.
You can donate your TIME. Many organizations do not have the staffing resources to meet the needs they are experiencing today.
You can donate your KNOWLEDGE. Any special skillset or knowledge that you have that might help teach or show someone a way forward for housing, a job, mental health assistance or anything that can improve the well-being of someone in your community.
GIVE stuff you no longer need, but is in excellent condition. A baby crib, stroller, prescription glasses, a cane…. These items are very expensive to buy new and can be of immeasurable value to someone in need of that particular item.
Times are hard for many these days, and it can be easy to become despondent and negative. Adopting these practices into your corporate culture will boost everyone’s spirits, and it feels, oh SOOOOO good!
Idea Factor provides a full suite of marketing services including B2B lead generation (gathering qualified sales leads), surveys, data mapping, event tele-boosting, trade show follow up, in-bound and out-bound omni-channel call center services, data cleansing, list cleaning, customer retention and loyalty programs.
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